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Privacy Policy

When you visit Whallyshop.com, we collect information about all visits to our website. We use this information to improve your user experience, evaluate the use of the individual elements on Whallyshop.com and to support our marketing.

Here you can read about what information we collect, how we process this information, what we do with it, who has access to it and how you can contact us regarding our cookie and privacy policy.

The collection of information on Whallyshop.com takes place within the framework of the existing legislation. If personal data is processed by Whallyshop.com, it is done in accordance with the Personal Data Act.

Whallyshop.comĀ automatically detects IP address and data when you move between different pages and services on the website. If you log in or subscribe to our newsletter, we also register this, to make it easier for you the next time you visit us.

In this context, we use various analysis tools such as Google Analytics, which helps us collect statistics about the use of Whallyshop.com and to make your experience even better.

Whallyshop.com collects information about users and their visits in two ways:

Ā· By using cookies

Ā· By the users themselves providing information (e.g. when subscribing to our newsletter or registering as a customer)

What is a cookie?

When you visit Whallyshop.com, cookies are stored on your computer. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser to recognize your computer on subsequent visits. No personal information is stored in our cookies.

Almost all websites use cookies. They are stored on your computer to help you, which helps to analyze how the website is used so that the user experience can be improved at Whallyshop.com. In many cases, cookies are necessary to be able to provide a certain service on the website.

The information in your cookies is sent between your browser and a web server and includes information about user settings, login and how the website is used.

How do I avoid cookies?

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can either block all cookies, delete existing cookies from your computer or set your computer so that you receive a warning before cookies are saved.

We recommend that you read our cookie policy carefully before you possibly change your cookie settings on your computer and that you read more about cookies on other websites.

If you change the cookie settings, your user experience may deteriorate when you visit our and other websites.

Keep in mind that if you do not accept cookies, there may be functions on Whallyshop.com that will not work for you.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)
Whallyshop.com complies with all regulations within GDPR. The regulation includes rules and policies on how we as a company collect and process personal data. You can read more about GDPR and the data protection regulation on the EU Complete guide to GDPR compliance.

If you have any questions about how we process your personal data or data, please contact us.